Whether it would be working a traditional eight-hour day or taking on freelance work, our careers normally consume majority of our waking hours, a significant amount of our time dedicated to our jobs. While some individuals are fortunate enough to have their dream jobs, others only survive in their current positions. Does anyone believe that higher salaries often comes with increased amount of stress? Why do people constantly seek new job opportunities? Contrary to popular belief, it is not driven by the desire for career growth or better prospects.
People typically leave their jobs when they are no longer happy. But have you ever stopped to wonder why? Generally, individuals tend to dislike change. Changes within an organization, alterations to their responsibilities, shifts in company policies, relocation, and other modifications all contribute to unease.
If you are dissatisfied with your current job, do you want to quit, or you are only searching for ways to lighten your passion? Constantly comparing yourself to others for workload, salary, title, or even your relationship with your boss will only bring about frustration. When internal politics, unclear goals, a blame culture, and coworkers who engage in backstabbing are prevalent, it may be time to consider moving on. However, would it be right to first assess your limits and capabilities?
We usually finish work at 5 pm, but the time that follows is often consumed by the stress of commuting. Enduring constant traffic, air pollution, and the pressures of traveling back home can amplify the frustrations we experience at work. When these frustrations arise, it becomes necessary to contemplate the actions we can take to improve our lives after five.
Single or Double
Independent or in a situationship, everybody deserves a warm and comforting dinner. Explore food hopping even the simple way - try it healthy and light.

Coffee, Tea, or Me
Warm, hot, or cold, simple coffee or tea, makes your heart white and happy.

Whenever you have fun money, try to hit a cold entertainer in a cocktail. Classic, brain freezer, or sparkling all will be fine if you're having a bad day.

My Happy Day
Every day doesn't have to be a nightmare. Sometimes, we only need to choose our Happy Day. Allow this day to suit your cravings.

If those are still not enough, then try to fall in love.