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The Dark Side of Filipino Work Ethics

Working abroad can be an exciting opportunity for Filipinos to gain new skills, experience different cultures, and earn a higher income. However, one of the challenges that many Filipino expatriates face is dealing with toxic behavior from their fellow countrymen in the workplace.

Working abroad during their rest day - sitting together, chatting, and laughing outdoors.

Filipinos have a reputation for being warm and hospitable, but unfortunately, this does not always translate to positive interactions with their co-workers. In a work setting, Filipino work ethics often engage in gossip and spread rumors with their co-Filipino employees. This behavior is not only unprofessional but it can also create a toxic work environment that can be damaging to the overall productivity of the team.


One of the reasons why Filipinos are often bad colleagues with their fellow countrymen when working abroad is due to a sense of competition and jealousy. Filipinos may see their co-employees as a threat to their success and may engage in behavior that seeks to bring them down to elevate themselves. This toxic behavior can lead to a lack of trust among Filipino colleagues, making it difficult for them to work together effectively as a team.


Another factor that contributes to the negative behavior of Filipinos towards their co-workers is the lack of accountability in a work-from-home setting. When Filipinos work remotely in other countries, they may believe they can exhibit toxic behavior without facing consequences because their bosses cannot physically oversee their colleagues in the Philippines. This creates a situation where Filipinos in the Philippines are unable to defend themselves against any negative comments made by their remote counterparts.  This lack of oversight can embolden Filipinos to engage in harmful behavior towards their co-workers without fear of retribution.


To mitigate this issue, Filipino expatriates should seek out diverse work environments where they can work alongside colleagues from different nationalities. By working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, Filipinos can gain a better appreciation for different perspectives and learn to be more inclusive and respectful towards their co-workers.


While working abroad can offer many opportunities for growth and development, Filipinos must be mindful of their behavior towards their co-workers, especially their fellow countrymen. By promoting a culture of professionalism, respect, and collaboration in the workplace, Filipinos can create a more positive work environment that fosters mutual support and harmony among colleagues. Filipinos need to work towards breaking the cycle of toxic behavior and strive to be better colleagues to their co-workers, regardless of their nationality.



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